Wednesday 12 August 2020

Tips for Central AC maintenance this summer

 Summers just get another level horrifying if your central AC gives up upon you. Since the hot season is just around the corner, the question comes up, when is the right time to begin your centralac maintenance? The answer is right now! The more sooner you start, the faster will you be done with all the necessities or realise that you need a replacement so that you don’t watch you AC crash on an extremely humid day.

How to maintain your central AC?

Here are few basic tips that you need to know about central AC maintenance this summer.

  • Clean the Air ducts: Air ducts generally get clogged with dirt, dust, lint and other particles which gets stuck. It makes the air flowing process more difficult resulting into over straining the whole system. Clean the ducts by vacuuming them to ensure proper hassle-free air flow in you HVAC system.

  • Ductwork minute cleaning: Apart from all the dirt that gets accumulated in the ductwork, there are chances that the network is affected by home built of rodents and other pests which gets minutely passed on into the airflow system. This leads to reduction in your air flow quality leading to an unhealthy lifestyle. Hence minutely checking and cleansing the overall ductwork is an extremely crucial step of your central AC maintenance.

  • Replace your air filter: Air filters are one of the most crucial elements in the central AC. The air which is circulated throughout the house gets returned back to the central AC as the old air and gets filtered for any air dust particles, dirt and other disease carrying elements. After some time, this filter starts getting clogged. Hence it is important that you replace your air filter before entering into the summers in order to have a fresh start.

  • Furnace filter clean up: A clean furnace filter can save up to 15% of your energy consumption. So, if you feel much energy was being consumed last year, might as well give this a check and ether replace or clean your furnace filter. The accumulate a lot of dirt over the time hence leading to a faulty overall network and HVAC system. If you have installed temporary ones, change them every month on the same day to avoid the hassle of memory. If you have opted for a permanent one, clean it every month for highest efficiency.

  • Dehumidifier drying: Dehumidifiers can be something which is often overlooked in the process of central AC maintenance. But drying out the dehumidifier is extremely crucial in order to ensure its working in its optimum level. To dry out, first open the outer covering and let the system dry out first. Then clean out the area with a vacuum to remove excess dirt and other particles and voila, it is good to go!

  • Inspection of the wires: If you feel your AC has an overheating problem or even otherwise, it is important to check the wiring connection before the season began. Make sure to switch off the power before checking out for faulty wires. If you spot any scorched, frayed or damaged wires, call for a professional help.

  • Outside Compressor cleaning: Cannot really stress enough upon the importance of keeping the compressors clean. The central AC condenser and compressor coils tend to get dirty resulting into less heat absorption which overall causes a huge damage to your HVAC system. Just make sure not to get any part wet and clean the coils after straightening them. Look out for any dead leaves, etc which may have been accumulated during the winter season.

  • Checking of the insulations: When your system pipes are having own out insulation, it may lead to heating up of the whole network. It is important to figure out if there is any faulty insulation which needs to be repaired. You can easily replace them with new pairs yourself.

  • Annual Clean Up: All these step by step process may seem extremely tiring and it indeed is. Unless you are absolutely on a tight budget, HVAC companies do provide with annual clean and tune up services which do not cost that much compared to cost of repairing in general. Hence annually keeping a check can help you to save from the future bigger damages.

When to buy a new one?

Central AC maintenance tips work well until you need to maintain them every now and then and they need way more attention than they need. Frequent services, huge bills, more power consumption and breakdowns every now and then are huge signs that you need to replace your central AC instead of increasing the bill more. These bills might look small compared to replacing them, but add on the total amount you spent and have to spend more, its defiantly not worth and risky for your family.

These were some of the basic tips upon centralAC maintenance. Its always handy to keep the pointers in mind but its much more safer and time saving if the annual check-up is done!

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